CBD Handout
This handout is designed to introduce and illustrate the research happening within the LSI Research Groups.
Chemical Biology of Disease
We aim to create a multidisciplinary team of UBC scientists capable of carrying out all aspects of drug discovery. About the CBD Research Group Current Membership Recent Findings
Brayer Lab:
We are pursuing promising “hits” for novel antibiotics active against Gram–negative bacteria and mechanism-based therapeutics for diabetes and obesity.
Brömme Lab:
Our studies of proteases implicated in atherosclerosis, bone and joint and autoimmune diseases have led to the identification of several promising low molecular weight inhibitors with novel binding sites.
Cullis Lab:
Our research efforts are directed towards gaining an understanding of membrane structure and function at the molecular level and using the information gained to therapeutic advantage.
Davies Lab:
The main focus is the biology of small molecules, especially antibiotics.
McIntosh Lab:
Our laboratory uses NMR spectroscopy and related biophysical methods to characterize the structure and dynamics of proteins involved in signal transduction and the regulation of gene expression and in the synthesis/degradation of carbohydrates.
Molday Lab:
We are studying molecular and cellular mechanisms responsible for a number of retinal degenerative diseases that are leading causes of vision loss.
Numata Lab:
My research interest concerns how organellar pH is regulated under physiological and pathological conditions.
Roberge Lab:
My lab is interested in regulation of mitosis and cancer therapy
Life Sciences Centre
2350 Health Sciences Mall
Vancouver, British Columbia
Canada V6T 1Z3
The goal of the LSI is to generate and sustain innovative, interdisciplinary research dedicated to discovering fundamental biological processes of life, advancing our understanding of disease processes and developing potential therapeutics.
Gifts from friends, alumni and other community members enable the University of British Columbia to carry out many outstanding research projects